Leaving Vienna… next step/stop: the United Nations.

Leaving Vienna... next step/stop: the United Nations.

The following are my questions from today’s presentations:

Atomic Energy Presentation
1. How is nuclear waste disposed of safely?
2. What are the main goals of and/or guideposts for the IAEA?
3. Is the IAEA a political entity? If not, how does it wield power or influence?
4. Who are the member nations of this agency? Who is not a member agency?
Human Trafficking Presentation
1. What is the definition of trafficking, as defined by the UN Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section?
2. Have countries passed legislation that supports the Agency’s goals? If so, give us an example.
3. Are there regional offices and/or grassroots movements that operate as satellites for the Agency?
Intern Presentation
1. What type(s) of degrees must a candidate possess to earn an internship at the UN?
2. What type(s) of training must a candidate have completed to earn an internship at the UN?
3. Must a candidate know a foreign language to earn an internship at the UN?
4. Is every country, or at least every continent, represented in the internship pool?

KATHY: Continue this excursion! Today was awesome, and so informative. Plus, how cool was it that they have a copy of Hammurabi’s Code?

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